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To quote Syd Halder from PPL:
  "We write to thank you for the work your company recently completed for us, namely the CDB.
The professionalism shown throughout the project, from the initial visit through to delivery and implementation is a credit to your organisation and particularly the staff involved. Your keen interest in our business reflected in your understanding and assessment of our requirements.
Since starting to use the CDB we have seen significant improvements in the levels of control we have been able to introduce over tracking job progress and costings. We now have a record of our subcontractors with instant access to their timesheet records and which properties they have worked on. This control has further enabled us to spot duplications prior to payments being made erroneously to both sub contractors alike, over £5000.00 to date has been saved.
The free format notes section has also proved its usefulness, at a stroke we are able to know the history of the property, i.e. what work has been carried out, or what remains to be completed.
Thank you again and we look forward to working with you again soon."

PPL are a construction and buildings refurbishment company. They have contracts to refurbish the kitchens and bathrooms of houses owned by several large housing development firms.

Their problem was that very little information about these jobs was being monitored properly.

They needed a system to track all the jobs they had on their books, all the materials used, all the people working on the jobs and how much they were spending.

We spoke in detail about their requirements and came up with a solution to their problem.

They now have a system into which they can enter all relevant information about the jobs, and produce reports informing them of current status by job, employee and overall.

They also have the ability to:

  • Hold all job information such as address, property photos, ad-hoc notes etc.
  • Track standard materials required & used by a job
  • Manage default tasks required by job
  • Variations - changes to the standard tasks for a job
  • Hold all contractor information including name, address, skillsets etc.
  • Allow entry of timesheets for all contractors
  • Process payroll for all contractors
  • Client invoicing - based on job costs, timesheets entered etc.
  • Job reports - eg timesheets report, property summary, validation reports to ensure job costs are correctly calculated

Within the first couple of weeks using the new software, PPL administrators has saved the company more than the cost of the software by tracking down missing payments!

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