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Content Managed Websites

Do you want to be in complete control of the content of your website???

With a content managed website, you will have complete control over what appears on your website. You can add pages, change text, upload images, change colour schemes - pretty much whatever you need to do.
Have a look through the following examples of content managed websites we have done recently.
  • Sportspace. This website is completely content managed. The client can add in new pages (top level and sub pages), new images into pages, upload PDFs for customer to download. Additional functionality we developed for them includes:
    • Real-time calculation of top 5 downloaded PDFs across the website
    • Customer details capturing and storing
    • E-flyers top send formatted emails to Customers
    • Intelligent site search with client-controlled results
    • Customer-controlled font sizes on the pages for visually impared customers
  • Biker Chicks. This website is partially content managed. The client can update page content through a simple page text editor. Additional functionality we developed for them includes:
    • Full e-commerce online shop
    • Customer forum with registration process
    • Control over page items such as latest news, features, galleries

To discuss your requirements, call us on 01442 386560 or use the contact form. We can provide advice on the best sort of website for your company.

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